a Mess
Month 3, Day 10
Tech Stephanie Freyer
1740 Hours
Junior Technician Stephanie Freyer entered Bugalu’s bedroom and walked to the
bathroom door. That’s strange. I had the
impression Mr Smythe left the panel open. Oh, well. She opened the service
panel and looked for the damage that had been described. This isn’t torn up. She glanced around, assured herself she was in
the correct bedroom, then stepped over to the intercom and placed a call.
Smythe, this is Technician Freyer. I was assigned to repair Lt Bugalu’s bathroom
Done already? Good.”
not exactly. The fact is, I can’t find the damage you described.”
in plain sight.”
I’m afraid it’s not.”
you sure you’re in the correct place?”
assure you, I know my way to Bugalu’s bedroom.” Woops! Well, what I do on my time is my business. There’s not that much
difference in our rank.
woman aboard knows their way to his bedroom,” came faintly over the intercom.
heard a sigh. “I’ll be right there. Time I checked on her work, anyway.” The
connection was broken.
Check whose work? Mine? I
haven’t done any. And I’m not up for a promotion.
Nervous and uncertain, she sat down on the bed. I wonder who Bugalu is with tonight? I hear he’s been seeing a lot of
that new girl, MacDowell. That it’s really slowed him down. I know I haven’t
had a date with him recently. Wonder if they’re-
Smythe entered, and she jumped to her feet. He glanced inside the service panel,
then looked around, as if to assure himself he was in the correct place. “I
know I tore those wires out,” he muttered, and pounded on the bathroom door.
“Alright, let’s see how much you’ve got done!”
door opened, and there stood the redhead Stephanie had just been thinking
about. “Almost done, Smit. Just polishing tape residue off the showerhead.”
glanced at the bathroom, which seemed spotless, and grunted. Then he turned to Stephanie.
“Not bad, Freyer,” he stated, and walked out.
I didn’t do anything,” Stephanie said to the closing door.
bombshell of a redhead - guess Bugalu
isn’t with her tonight after all - stood in the bathroom doorway. “Um...
Freyer, is it? I need a favor.”
need a favor from me?” Probably wants me
to leave Bugalu alone. Not that he’s had time for me lately.
if you don’t mind. I normally clean up my own messes. The bathroom wasn’t any
problem; I’ve had to get a lot worse spotless. But that control panel... well,
that’s engineering, and outside my field. So I’d appreciate it if you could
take a close look at it. I mean, the door opens and closes, so I think it’s
okay, but I’d really appreciate you checking it.”
stared at the other woman in disbelief. “You
fixed the wires in the control panel?” I’ve
heard she doesn’t have a brain in her body. No, if that was true, she wouldn’t
be on the Fireball.
redhead smiled sheepishly. “Well, I tried to reason it out. Figured electronics
were electronics, and I have some knowledge of that. But I didn’t have a
heatgun or anything, so the connections might be weak.”
Well, she’s right about
electronics. If she’s flunked her probationary test twice, it’s no wonder if
some people think she’s stupid. But those of us in engineering know that Smythe’s tests are murder!
Strange, but Wilson seems to like this woman, even if they’re both dating
Bugalu. You’d think they’d have nothing to do with each other.
take a look.” She pulled out a work light and directed it into the control
panel, then carefully examined each wire and connection. “All the wires are connected
correctly,” she announced, and reached for the heatgun on her belt. “But you’re
right; those connections are weak. Do you want to solidify them?” The redhead’s
eyebrows rose in surprise, her eyes sparkled with excitement, and then her face
paled with fear. “It’s just like finishing communications connections,”
Stephanie stated, and handed over the heatgun.
it? Okay, I’ll try. As long as you make sure I do it right.” It only took her a
moment to finish up. The redhead seemed to be a natural with a heatgun.
With a little more practice,
she could rival Wilson. With a heatgun, I mean.
“Good job, Lieutenant.”
me Mac,” she instructed, handing the tool back. “Everybody does. And thanks. I
can still say I clean up my own messes.”
this isn’t your quarters. Bugalu should clean his own place.”
gave her a big grin. “He does. But I pulled a practical joke on him, and, uh...
things got a little further out of hand than I planned. I’m still not sure how
those wires got disconnected.”
practical joke?”
you want to know about it, ask him. In a couple days, when he has a chance to
calm down and see the humor himself.” She stretched and stifled a yawn. “I’m
going to have a nap. I really needed a good laugh, and I got it. Maybe now I
can actually sleep.”
you have duty tonight?”
She closed the control panel and returned Stephanie’s work light. “Plenty of
time for at least one nightmare. Maybe even two. Anyway, thanks, Freyer. I
appreciate your help.” She was yawning again as she headed for the door.
followed at a slightly slower pace. Nightmare?
Well, I guess we all have one, time to time. But I certainly don’t plan it when
I do.
Month 3, Day 10
2332 Hours
When Smitty opened
his bathroom door, the shower was already occupied; black, copper and pale skin
intermixed in an intimate threesome.
a moan, Smitty sat up in his bed and tried to pull the dream out of his head by
tugging at his hair. Fortunately, his hair was more stubborn than he was, and
the roots held firm, while the pain soon made him give up the effort.
bent a leg up and leaned forward to lay his head on a damp and clammy arm atop
his knee.
“I hate cold showers!”
Colleen complained.
And I need one. Again.
Angry at his lack of control, Smitty tossed his cover aside and climbed from
bed. He hesitated as his hand neared the bathroom door. They aren’t there! It was nothing but a dream!
himself, he opened the door, sighed in relief to find the bathroom empty. It would be nice if I could get through just
1 day without a sex dream. I don’t even remember what it’s like, to actually
sleep through the night. A cold shower always leaves me wide-awake for half the
night. It’s a wonder I haven’t fallen asleep on duty yet. Still standing at
the doorway, he glanced at the bedroom clock.
Still hours before the mail gets delivered. For the first time in years, I’ve finished
reading one month’s technical journals before new ones have arrived.
brought to mind the redhead who was in charge of shunting his mail - including
the technical magazines he so eagerly awaited - to his channel. Stiffening his
chin, he stepped inside and started the shower, turning the water temperature
to its coldest setting.
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