Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Taking Out the Garbage

Month 11, Day 8

1034 Hours

Drake MacGregor

 Other than telling the 3 men to sit down, and Yeoman Blossom to take a break, the captain hadn’t said a word for 5 minutes. She seemed to be seething, and all her minute rearranging of items on her desk didn’t seem to have any effect on her mood. Drake had been trained to be patient, so he sat and waited, although he did wonder, as the minutes ticked by, what her blood pressure might be at.

Next to him, Smitty sat quietly, only showing his impatience when he occasionally picked an imaginary piece of lint off his pant leg.

On the other end of the line, Lt Tall Bear sat perfectly motionless. He might have fallen asleep with his eyes open, he was so still. But Tall Bear would never be so disrespectful as to fall asleep at a meeting called by his captain.

Jane finally closed her eyes and took a deep breath. And then she spoke, her voice raspy with emotion. “I’ve had several communications with Fleet Headquarters,” she got out, her hands balled into fists. “As a result, we are on our way to Q’lorn, where I’ve been ordered to turn Lt Cmdr Winthrop over to the local Fleet personnel, who will convey him to the Q’lorn Fleet hospital for further medical and psychological testing.” She took another deep and shuddering breath, let it out slowly. It didn’t seem to help.

Drake leaned to one side of his chair and crossed his legs. “I take it they didn’t like my report on his... condition,” Drake stated.

“They not only didn’t like that, they didn’t like anything we sent them!” She pushed her chair back, paced a couple times behind her desk before she managed to sit down again. “They said that MacDowell has a history of filing sexual assault charges against higher officers, so they didn’t believe any of that. Then they stated that if Winthrop was self medicating for some condition missed by you and your staff, then they would get him all the help he needed before reassigning him.”

“Oh, black space,” Drake muttered. I thought my professional reputation was better than that.

Smitty opened his mouth, ready to say something angry, but apparently changed his mind and closed his mouth.

Jane turned her attention to the NAmerind, and cleared her throat before speaking. “You, Mr Tall Bear, will temporarily serve as my Chief Security Officer for the next 6 weeks, until we rendezvous with the Blaze, where our new Security Chief will join us. I would have preferred promoting you, but they declined to let me do that.”

“Thank you, sir. For the thought.” There was no hint of anger in his voice, but the news must have been galling.

“It means I’ll need access to you, so change your sleeping habits,” she said bluntly, and sighed in exasperation. “In the meantime, make copies of all the reports, holograms, photos, everything of evidentiary value about this incident. I’ve already sent copies to Headquarters, but no doubt they’ll ‘misplace’ them. Send copies with Winthrop when we drop him on Q’lorn, put copies in the security files, and put the originals in some deep hiding place that only you have access to. Same with you, Duck, with his complete medical file.”

For what purpose? “We can do that, but then what?” Drake asked. “Sooner or later, one of us will leave this ship, either transferred out or retired or something.”

“You take the original files with you,” she stated. “Just remember to keep in touch with your old captain, in case I see an opportunity to make use of those files.”

“She was right,” Smitty muttered.

Jane’s eyes flashed with anger as she turned her attention to him. “She was right,” she agreed. “I thought we were past this kind of cover-up, in this day and age, but that little slip of a girl from a backwards colony knew exactly how things would go. It’s enough to make my blood boil.”

“There’s got to be something we can do,” Smitty stated, sitting forward.

“I have friends,” Jane stated, “and I’m pretty sure Winthrop has some enemies. I’m hoping some carefully placed words in the ears of like-minded people might bear fruit. And, if I hear he’s being reassigned after a few weeks of medical and/or psychological treatment, I will lodge that complaint again, right up the chain of command, if I have to.”

“Is that wise, captain?” Smitty asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

“Wise? Possibly not. But women in the Fleet are supposed to be equal to the men. And that young lady hasn’t been treated ‘equally’ since she entered the Academy. There are a lot of women in the Fleet, some of us in the upper echelon, who won’t think that such treatment is ‘okay’. Because it isn’t.”

Drake frowned thoughtfully before he offered any help. “Jane, I have some friends in the medical field. They all profess women are equal, and some of them are women. Do you mind if I spread a few words of my own?”

She considered that for a few moments. “It can’t hurt. As long as you’re sure you can trust them. And if you’re discreet.”

“I wouldn’t mind saying a few words in my friend’s ears, either,” Smitty offered.

“I know your heart’s in the right place, Smitty, but Winthrop is security, supposedly with a medical problem. There wouldn’t be any logical reason for you to get involved in it.”

“I beg to differ!”Smitty declared. “The person who was attacked was communications! I am fully convinced that women are every bit as capable as men, and I am outraged, absolutely outraged at this kind of treatment of one of mine!

She considered him for a long time. “Smitty, when you discovered she was in the brig, you assumed she was in the wrong,” she reminded him.

He looked stunned for a moment. “As I might do with anybody who showed such a willingness to fight as she did when she first came aboard. Now that I know she truly was defending herself, I’m blood-thirsty enough to wish she’d done more damage to her attacker!”

“If you want to express outrage on her behalf, I suggest you study her personnel file from before she came here. And I mean all the sub-sub files, too. Piece together what her life was like on the tugs. You’ll have plenty of outrage to talk about.”

Again she turned to Tall Bear. “As for you...”

“Captain, as the investigating officer, I don’t think I should be discussing the case with any of my peers.”

“Exactly,” she agreed. “But if the subject should come up, you might let some interesting tidbit slip out. Completely by accident, of course. Or not. Whatever makes you comfortable.” She sighed and stood up, fingertips on her desktop, a sure sign she was dismissing them. “And that, gentlemen, is probably all we can do at this point. MacDowell is off tonight, I’ll ask to see her and break the news to her just before the end of B shift this afternoon. I assume she’ll want to be with friends this evening to help her get through it.”


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