Friday, September 3, 2021

Meltdown in Engineering

 Month 15 Day 1

0719 Hours


 "Keep your voice down," Drake told the chief engineer, who was rumbling his complaints loud enough to be heard in the corridor outside the privacy dining room. Or it would be loud enough if Drake hadn't immediately activated the sound barrier for their booth, which dampened the sound to an unintelligible murmur outside of the immediate area. Drake stuck his head out of the booth and looked towards the entrance, waved to the captain so she knew where to find them.

Jane entered the booth, sitting opposite Drake, and immediately stared at the 3rd member of their party.

"Wasn't sure you'd get my message," Drake told her.

"With all the bells and whistles you put on it, it did everything but drag me out of bed." She indicated the engineer. "Shouldn't you be treating that?"

Drake instantly took hold of his hyperspray and gave Smitty a dose of deintoxicant. "What'd you do that for?" Smitty demanded, then went back to complaining at a slightly lower volume.

"I wanted you to see it, first," Drake told Jane.

"Send me a notice through channels is the usual way to deal with this type of thing," she pointed out.

"I didn't want to make it official. This time."

"Have there been other times..."

"No," Drake hurried to say. "If you pay attention to what he's saying, you can figure out why it's happened. I know you don't like to get involved in the crew's personal matters, but it might be time to consider it."

"Saw it with my own eyes!" Smitty said vehemently. "He came right out of her quarters, setting his clothes to rights, and told her he'd be back later! And her trying to recover from that healing ray you had her in yesterday afternoon! Of all the self-centered ways to behave! In her condition!" Smitty chugged half his glass of orange juice, which Drake knew he had spiked before the captain's arrival with an over-generous amount of vodka.

"Who is he talking about?"

"His fiancée, who else?"

"And the man he mentions is..."

"Lt Bugalu!" Smitty said for himself, and leaned forward on the table to shake a finger at the captain. "I was like you, captain, I used to think he was a good sort of a guy, but this behavior just proves what a lying, self-centered, sneaky little weasel he is! To treat my fiancée in such a fashion isn't to be excused!"

After a few seconds of silence, Jane asked, "When did this 'problem' become apparent?"

"When he exited our shared bathroom into my bedroom instead of his own," Drake revealed. "This morning, about the time my alarm went off."

"So, chances are, he didn't get any sleep last night." She glanced at the morning menu. "Smitty, what did you order for breakfast? What looks good to you?"

"Just orange juice," he told her, and gave her an exaggerated wink. "It's hitting the spot just fine."

She gave a long look at the glass that presumably held orange juice. "Is it..."

"Yes," Drake answered.

Jane's mouth momentarily formed a frown, then she began ordering food on the keypad. "Order your breakfast, Drake."

"But if I had any doubts about her reasons for postponing our wedding, there can be no denying those reasons now," Smitty rumbled abruptly.

"Did you manage to talk to her?" Jane asked. "I thought she was recovering."

Smitty waved the idea away. "I went to share the results of our teleportation device tests," he stated. "But when I remembered she was recovering, I went home and sent them to her by email."

"Very sensible," Jane told him.

"I don't know why it took me so long to see it!" he declared. "Well, no one likes to admit they're past their prime, and I'm no different in that regard. But it seems so obvious to me now!"

"You're hardly past your prime, Smitty. Now, I'm—"

"I'm certainly no spring chicken, captain!" he declared. "I do think a person should face the truth when it rears up and slaps them in the face! And that's what I've done! Because the truth is, Colleen wants a younger man!"

Food started arriving on the booth's elevator. Jane selected some plates for herself, shoved others to a position in front of Smitty. When 2 cups of coffee arrived, she gave one to Smitty, took his half glass of 'orange juice' and sent it back to the kitchen for disposal. "And you think the younger man she wants is Lt Bugalu."

"Who else? They've been inseparable since she arrived!"

"De-tox him," she told Drake. "Completely."

"How did you..." Smitty started to ask, then winced when Drake gave him another hyperspray dose before he even checked to see just how drunk the engineer was. "Just don't overdo it," he asked. "The headache from being overly de-toxed is a killer."

"I've never over de-toxed you," Drake protested.

"Happened at the Academy once," Smitty mumbled.

"Smitty, you're wrong," Jane told him flatly as she poured syrup on her pancakes. "You aren't seeing things clearly, probably because of your jealousy, which I've spoken to you about before. She doesn't want a younger man, and certainly not that young man, which if you weren't so jealous, maybe you could see it. The fact is, she agreed to marry you, and until you said or did something wrong, you each seemed completely besotted with each other. Bottom line, you are not old. I know that, Drake knows that. You seem to be the only one who doesn't believe it. So I'm going to prove it to you. Drake is going to detox you completely, just like I told him to do. You are going to eat your breakfast, and then you are going to report for duty and work your entire shift, just as if you'd actually gotten some sleep last night. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, captain," he agreed quietly, and began arranging his breakfast and utensils before him.


"I hope you'll forgive me for not joining you for lunch today," Smitty went on.

"Why would you not join us?" Jane asked suspiciously.

"I think a small power nap would help me see my way through the rest of the day."

Jane shook her head. "I certainly will not excuse you. Old men need naps to get through the day. You are not an old man. I've seen you work 3 days straight without so much as a coffee break. I have the fullest confidence in your ability to get through the day, without any naps of any kind. Have I made myself clear?"

"No coffee break?" Smitty asked in disbelief.

"I didn't say you couldn't have a coffee break," she answered. "I said I've seen you not take them. But you are allowed coffee breaks, and a lunch break. Have all the coffee you want. Just nothing that bears any resemblance to a nap!"

"Yes, captain," Smitty acknowledged, and turned his attention to Drake. "Are you done detoxing me, MacGregor?"

Drake took a quick medical scan of the engineer's body, adjusted his hyperspray and gave him a final dose of de-intoxicant. "Give that about 5 seconds, and you'll be completely done."

Space. I expected the captain to have some unique way of handling Smitty's... misadventure, but I'm rather sorry now that I brought it to her attention. She's going to force him to stay awake all day. Which he probably would have done, if all I'd done is detox him and send him on his way. But now he'll see it as punishing him for letting his emotions get the better of him, and that will make it that much harder for him to stay awake. Well, it's a good thing he doesn't let it happen very often.

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