Wednesday, August 10, 2022

On The Way Home

Month 16 Day 14

13:44 Hours

Capt Jane Burke

After a pleasant visit with Capt Valentine on the St Elmo, the emergency was declared over, and the 2 captains continued their conversation on the way to the shuttle bay. As they walked past med bay, they were joined by Drs MacGregor, Davis and Fong, and the Fireball nurses who had been helping. Further along, a lift door opened, and the Fireball's engineering team joined the back of the group. Smitty worked his way through the group to join Drake just behind the captains.

The Fireball personnel had been thanked by the departments they had assisted, and expected nothing further but a quiet shuttle ride home and a return to their regular duties. They were surprised when they entered the shuttle bay and found 3 shuttles waiting, while one section of the bay had been set up for a party, complete with cake and punch.

Jane turned to her host. "This wasn't necessary."

"A verbal thank you alone seemed insufficient," Capt Valentine returned. "My department heads would never have forgiven me. I realize we took you away from your regular assignment for over a week, so even this seems inadequate."

"It would be bad manners to leave in a hurry when you've gone to so much trouble." Jane turned to her 2 lieutenant commanders. "Mr Smythe, Dr MacGregor, would you be so kind as to cut and serve the cake and punch?"

Looking startled, they moved toward the table. "I'll serve the punch," Smitty decided.

"What makes you think I can cut cake?" Drake asked him.

"You know how to use a scalpel," Smitty pointed out.

"I've never used one on a cake," the doctor returned. But before long, cake and punch were being served.

Various members of the St Elmo's crew entered, to speak with the departing Fireball crew and enjoy the refreshments. But the St Elmo crew had their own duties to get to, so they didn't stay long.

Eventually, those coming to say good-bye slowed to a trickle. Most of the Fireball personnel had already opted to take one of the St Elmo shuttles home. Those were now jockeying into their parking spots. Most of the cake and all of the punch had been served. Jane decided it was enough, and said her final good-bye to Capt Valentine, then followed the few remaining of her personnel into the Fireball shuttle.

She found Smitty and MacDowell sitting together in the back of the shuttle, holding hands. Each sat up straight in their seat, but their eyes were closed. MacDowell had dark circles under her eyes and looked exhausted. Smitty looked tired, but not as bad.

Jane moved forward and sought out Drake, pulled him into another corner so the two of them could talk. "How's MacDowell?" she whispered.

Drake hesitated before answering. "She's at her rope's end," he admitted. "Between 12-hour days, recuperating, and starting a new life—in more ways than one."

"What do you mean, more ways than one?"

"She's been looking for a new job for when she has to leave the Fireball."

"I applaud her forethought, but where did she find the time?"

"During her meal breaks. She's been eating her meals in the St Elmo's library, using the computer. She's pretty worried about it."

"She has a right to be worried. Does she need some time off from her duties in engineering?"


"How long?"

"Two days, at least. Being able to sleep in her own bed should help. She is getting some help, looking for a new job, so that should give her time to catch up on her emails about that, too."

"Who's helping her?"

"Smitty. Bugalu. Myself. And Mr Facchini."

"The St Elmo chief engineer?"

"After her injury, they shared the St Elmo Intensive Care Unit. She seemed to impress him."

"Really? I understood his protégé was in the brig, because of her."

Drake sighed. "That's a story. Which you probably ought to get straight from Smitty. He's the one who sent him to the brig."

"Okay. You're sure 2 days will be enough?"

"No, but I don't feel like having a fight with her until I have to. I'll keep an eye on her during those 2 days, and then I'll re-evaluate."

"Sounds good." She let him return to his seat and made her way to the back, turned a seat around to face Smitty. Neither of them moved, but the girl's head was drooping now. Jane touched Smitty's knee and whispered, "Is she asleep?"

"Yes," he answered softly.

"No," MacDowell refuted, and took a deep breath before her eyes managed to open. "What can I do for you, captain?"

"You look exhausted," Jane told her. "It's to be expected; you've got a lot going on in your life, and a week of 12-hour days is grueling. I want you to take the next 2 days off."

"Okay," she agreed readily, a tiny smirk on her face.

Jane studied her suspiciously. "MacGregor didn't think you'd agree so easily."

"The next 2 days are my regular days off," MacDowell revealed. "I just need to get through until 1600 hrs to get to them."

"No, you don't," Smitty broke in. "You've already worked 12 hours today. You're off duty." She opened her mouth to say something, and he ended with, "No arguing."

She closed her eyes and stifled a yawn, or tried to. "Thank you, Smit."

"Does that suit you, captain?" he asked.

"Actually, no," she decided. "Since the next 2 days are your regular days off, I want you to take the next 2 days after that off, also. As sick days. Check in with Dr MacGregor on those days, so he can see how well you're recuperating."


"I'll see that she does, captain," Smitty stated.

MacDowell sighed. "Looks like I have to."

"Good. Now, try to rest for the remainder of the trip." Jane got up and moved forward again to find a seat that would afford the lovebirds a tiny bit of privacy. When she glanced back, MacDowell's head was on Smitty's shoulder and her eyes were closed. She looked relaxed.

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