One More Ask
16 Day 8
13:44 Hours
Beth looked around as Bugalu approached. "You might as well go in. She's not having any luck falling asleep. Maybe you can help her calm down."
"What's her problem?"
"I don't know. It took her a full
hour to get here after her shift was over, so she must have eaten, but she's
been fretting since she got here. I think she'd be tossing and turning, if she
"Okay, I'll talk to her." He
took the fresh uniform in with him. "Am I waking you, Mac?" he asked
She sighed. "I can't sleep."
"What's the problem?"
"I need access to a computer, and
some time on it. And I can't figure out how to get either one."
"Worried about your projects?"
he asked. "The ones you left running on your personal computer?"
"No. At least, I wasn't, until you brought them up. No,
I've got a new project that I have to do, it's got a firm deadline, and I can't
do anything to get started on it."
"Another project? What's this
"Finding myself a job, for when I
leave the Fireball in a few weeks."
when she would start worrying about that. "Yeah, that's
not something you want to leave until the last minute."
"I should be looking now, but I can't figure out how!"
now that she's realized that, she's definitely in a tizzy. Time to do the
brotherly thing, I guess. "How about I look for
"You?" She paused to think
about it. "Well, that's nice of you to offer, but what good does that do?
We only get a few minutes to talk a day, if we're lucky."
"Beth said you took a full hour to
eat a meal before you came back to med bay today."
"Yeah, I was talking to MacG. I don't
usually take that long. More like half an hour. Or 3 quarters of an hour for
Well, the library is across the hall
from the mess hall. Why not get your food, go to the library and use one of the
computers to check your email? Meanwhile, I'll comb through the openings and
send any that look interesting to your inbox. Engineering or communications?"
"Either. I can't be picky."
like the sounds of that. Maybe once she starts seeing what's out there, she'll
stop feeling quite so desperate. "You can look them
over and give each one a number. One for it looks interesting, 2 for maybe,
"And 5 for 'over my dead body'."
She gave a huge sigh of relief, and he could see her relax under the blanket.
"Thank you, Bugs. I could not
figure out how I was supposed to exercise my options during the current
circumstances. I was sure I'd be sent to a tug station or something, and I want
nothing to do with any of those
"So, am I looking for a position
for you as an individual, or part of a married team?"
"Oh, I haven't ruled out anything
yet. Although there's a couple options I'm pretty desperate to avoid, if I
"Okay. I'll start looking as soon
as I get off, and you should have emails to look through by the time you head
for breakfast."
"That soon?"
"The Fleet is a big organization,
"Oh, yeah, don't forget to look in
the private sector, too. I might not stay in the Fleet. Need to look at all my options."
"Okay," he agreed.
"Private sector, too. Now, you settled down? Think maybe you can
"I hope so. My nerves are settling,
my stomach isn't churning." She yawned and settled into the bed.
"Good night, Bugs. I owe you big time."
"Good night, Mac." He turned
and headed for the doorway. All her
options include being part of a married team with a helmsman/pilot. We can
argue about it later, if we have to.
"Thank you, Bugs," Beth told
him as he emerged from the ICU. "She's already drifting off."
Two Minute Talk
16 Day 8
23:58 Hours
Smitty called the briefing to a close. "Please relieve me, Lt Wilson, so I can talk to Colleen for a moment." After the others left the office, he turned and closed the door so they could speak privately. "You look... better rested."
"I think my back is
improving," Colleen told him. "Plus, I'm not feeling quite so
"Frantic? About what?"
"What options I have as a pregnant
member of the Fleet. Somebody sat me down and spelled them out for me."
"I could have done that."
She shook her head. "It took him
nearly an hour. I don't know how you could condense it down to 2 minutes."
"Who did you talk to? Dr
"No, MacGregor. Plus, I saw some of
the openings within the Fleet while I had breakfast."
"In the mess hall?"
"I took my food to the library to
check my email. I only had a half hour, so I didn't get through the 2 dozen
openings Bugs sent me. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish up on my lunch
goes to Drake and then enlists Bugalu's help? "I thought I
was looking for openings to be considered."
"I imagine you are looking for
openings for the 2 of us as a married team. And I'm very willing to listen to
those, to discuss them at length. But—" She swallowed. "I don't think
I should limit my choices without seeing everything that's available."
"I hope to convince you to marry
me." He took hold of her hands and moved forward to kiss her. She
reciprocated, and it lasted longer than he had intended. "I really want to
marry you."
"It's a definite possibility,"
she answered, her breath a little ragged. "Especially when you kiss me
like that."
"Then I wish we had time for more
kisses," he returned with a smile. He lowered his voice. "When we
return to the Fireball, I know some positions that won't put any pressure on
your back."
Her face turned red. "That
sounds... interesting."
He glanced at the clock and sighed.
"And now we've used up our 2 minutes, and didn't even get one job
opportunity discussed."
The office doorbell rang. Smitty
consulted the wall screens to see who was outside. "It's Adams. Well, you
go ahead and finish up the warp alcove while I inform Mr Adams that he's
assigned to check the ship's core. That should keep him busy for most of your
shift. After that, send him to work on a nacelle. Under Abdulla would be a good
touch." He reluctantly let go of her to open the door, and the two of them
went their separate ways.
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