Friday, April 2, 2021

Cold Feet

 Month 14 Day 24

1608 Hours

Della Harris

 When Della entered the quarters she shared with Mac, she grimaced at the realization that Mac was already home. I swear we leave Engineering at the exact same time, and she always beats me home, even if I manage to get on the first available lift. She eyed the form-fitting, short-sleeved shirt and oversized coveralls the redhead had put on. "Are you wearing that for tonight's date with Smythe?"

"Wearing what?" Mac turned from returning her red curls into a tight top-knot. It never seemed to stay tidy for a full shift. She glanced down at her attire. "Oh, no, we're not seeing each other tonight." She tried to pull her top-knot even tighter.

"You're not? This will be the first night you aren't since you got engaged."

"Umm. Yeah, I guess. Pretty much."

"You two haven't fought over something, have you?" They haven't even gotten married yet!

Mac gave her a funny look. "No. He's got his bachelor party to be at tonight."

Oh, right, he's got to get that slipped in somewhere. It's only a couple days until the wedding. "Speaking of parties, when are you having your bachelorette party? Will I be invited?"

Mac tossed her engineering uniform down the laundry chute and sat on her bed to put on a pair of socks and tie-down shoes. "I told Yellow Dog not to plan one for me. I can get drunk anytime, I don't need an impending marriage as an excuse. And none of the other activities she suggested held any interest for me. So, no there won't be a bachelorette party. But if there were, then yes, you would have been invited."

This just doesn't sound right. "Is something wrong, Mac? You don't seem to be getting into the joyously anticipatory mood that most brides experience. I heard you haven't even gone to Fabrication to order a wedding dress."

"I plan to wear my usual uniform," Mac answered.

That definitely is not right! "You're kidding!"

"Why would you think that?"

"Mac, you've barely invited anybody to the ceremony! You won't have a special dress to commemorate the day. You're not having a party! What are you doing?"

The redhead tied her 2nd shoe and looked up. "I'm getting married. All that other stuff you mentioned is nonsense, it isn't necessary. Or wanted, in our case. We both want a simple, small wedding ceremony." She skewed her mouth to one side for a moment. "Is that so awful?"

Della bounced down on her own bed. I've heard of people who want a tiny, simple ceremony and nothing else. I always thought they were nuts. "My family always has a big wedding, with 5 or 6 bridesmaids and a couple hundred guests. It's what I always expected for myself, if I ever get married."

"We have that kind on Gaelunde, too," Mac told her. "Fathers are usually very happy to get their daughters safely married off, so they put up with the expense and all the traditional nonsense. I expect my father would insist on a big wedding with all the trimmings, if he were here to give me away. Since he's not, and I don't care about any of that, I choose not to bother with it."

"And Mr Smythe is okay with that?"

"He encourages me to think small. After all, if we did invite a couple hundred people to witness the ceremony, that would require more than a full shift of people to be there. It would almost be 2 full shifts. Between that and those who were sleeping, there would hardly be anybody left to man the ship."

"I think you're exaggerating."

The redhead canted her head to one side for a second, and decided, "Not by much." She stood up.

"So, what are you planning to do tonight? Go to the gym and catch up on your weight lifting?"

Mac smiled patiently. "Weight lifting isn't something you can give up for a couple weeks and then do a double- or triple-dose in one evening. No, I got some information from Oaks the other day, and I plan to do some research."

Instead of having a party? "You're always working on some sort of research. What is it this time?"

"Oh, I haven't been keeping up with my various projects very well this past couple weeks. I hope things settle down after we get married so I can get back to them. But tonight's research... is personal." She headed for the door to leave.

"You can do it here," Della offered. "Just let me change for my date, and I'll get out of your way."

"That's okay. My computer is working on my regular projects. Besides, I'm not sure a personal computer has the power I'll need. Oaks is letting me use his office. And since I think that's who your date is with, I'd better go get situated so he can get ready for you. Have fun." Then she waved good-bye and was out the door, and Della was alone.

That girl is something else. She works as Smythe's protégé, has 3 or 4 career projects she's working on, spends all her off-duty time with Smythe planning their wedding, when she isn't sleeping. And now she's starting a personal project that requires a more powerful computer? I can't hope to keep up with that. I don't even want to keep up with that. Sometimes I regret ever letting Smythe see what I was capable of, because now he expects that much of me, all the time!

Wait, the real question is, when did she find the time to work out a deal with Oakhurst? Smythe's got her on a very short leash, these days.

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